▼Naudio_meter_utils | |
Caudio_meter_draw_info | |
▼Nrttr | |
Cwrapper_mapper< sbk::core::child_ptr< T > > | |
Cwrapper_mapper< sbk::core::database_ptr< T > > | |
▼Nsbk | |
►Ncore | |
►Nserialization | |
Cboost_serializer | |
Cserialized_associative_container | |
Cserialized_child_class | |
Cserialized_object | Serializes an object type and the object's data |
Cserialized_object_vector | |
Cserialized_object_vector< sbk::engine::sound > | |
Cserialized_sequential_container | |
Cserialized_sound | |
Cserialized_soundbank | |
Cserialized_standalone_object | Header for an object that saves to a single file |
Cserialized_system | |
Cserialized_type | Serializes an object type so upon loading, we create the correct type |
Cserialized_version | Stores the version of Sound Bakery |
Cchild_ptr | Syntactic type to define a pointer that must be a child of the owning object |
Cdatabase | Runtime lookup of objects, using their ID or name |
Cdatabase_object | Base object type for any object that can exist in the editor/database. Holds an ID and name |
Cdatabase_ptr | |
Cobject | Base object that all sound Bakery objects should inherit from |
Cobject_owner | Creates, owns and tracks objects |
Cobject_tracker | Tracks object categories and types |
Cproperty | |
►Neditor | |
Cproject | Manages a project file and the objects contained within it |
Cproject_configuration | Handles file and folder paths for a project |
►Nengine | |
►Nprofiling | |
Cvoice_tracker | Tracks every active voice with helper functions |
Caction | |
Caux_bus | |
CBlendContainer | |
Cbus | |
Ccontainer | Base container type. Inherited types include sounds, random, sequence etc |
Ceffect_description | Wraps a sc_dsp_config |
Ceffect_parameter_description | |
Cencoding_sound | Data for converting a sound to an encoded format |
Cevent | |
Cevent_devirtualise | |
Cevent_init | |
Cevent_pause | |
Cevent_play | |
Cevent_stop | |
Cevent_update | |
Cevent_virtualise | |
Cflag_playing | |
Cflag_stopped | |
Cfloat_parameter | |
Cgame_object | |
Cgather_children_context | Contains all information required for gathering sounds for runtime playing and selection |
Cglobal_parameter_list | Holds a list of parameters |
Cint_parameter | |
Clocal_parameter_list | Holds a list of parameters and their local value |
Cnamed_parameter | Holds discrete named integer values |
Cnamed_parameter_value | Represents a discrete value for a named_parameter |
Cnode | Root node that builds the core graph of sounds and busses |
Cnode_base | Generic node that can have a get_parent and own children |
Cnode_group_instance | Owns a node group and applies DSP effects to it |
Cnode_instance | NodeInstances represent runtime versions of Nodes, either containers or busses |
►Cnode_instance_fsm | |
Caction_update | |
Cstate_init | |
Cstate_playing | |
Cstate_stopped | |
Cstate_uninit | |
Cstate_virtual | |
Ctransition_table | |
Cparameter | Defines a database object with a changeable property |
CRandomContainer | |
Csequence_container | |
Csound | |
Csound_container | |
Csoundbank | Packages events and dependent objects and sounds |
Csoundbank_dependencies | Wraps all events, objects, and sounds needed to package a soundbank |
Cswitch_container | |
Csystem | Manager of the whole Sound Bakery |
Cvoice | A runtime graph of nodes and busses, playing a sound or many |
Cvoid_deleter | |
►Nreflection | |
CCreatePointerConversion | Creates wrapper_mapper conversions for the Dervived class and all its base classes |
CCreatePointerConversion< DerivedClass > | Once the top-most base class is reached, make an explicit conversion between the base type and DatabaseObject |
CCreatePointerConversion< DerivedClass, BaseClass, U... > | Registers conversions between the derived type and base class, then does the same for the base class's base class list |
CCreatePointerConversion< DerivedClass, rttr::type_list< BaseClassList... > > | Specialisation for wrapping the rttr::type_list type and extracting its template arguments |
CRegisterPointerConversionsForBaseClasses | Auto-registers wrapper conversions for the type and its base classes |
►Nutil | |
Cleaked_object_detector | |
Ctype_helper | |
Cadd_effect_button | |
Capp_manager | |
Caudio_display_widget | |
Caudio_meter_widget | |
Cdetails_widget | |
Ceditor_app | |
Cfile_browser_widget | |
Clog_widget | |
Cmethod_drawer | |
Cplayable_selection | |
Cplayer_widget | |
Cproject_explorer_widget | |
Cproject_manager | |
Cproject_nodes_widget | |
Cproperty_drawer | |
Croot_widget | |
Csb_system_config | |
Csc_audioChunk | |
Csc_bank | |
Csc_clap | Holds a DLL handle and plugin entry for a CLAP plugin |
Csc_clap_node | |
Csc_dsp | Ma_node with an additional enum descriptor |
Csc_dsp_config | |
Csc_dsp_parameter | |
Csc_dsp_parameter_float | |
Csc_dsp_state | Holds instance data for a single sc_dsp |
Csc_dsp_vtable | |
Csc_encoder | |
Csc_encoder_config | |
Csc_encoder_vorbis | |
Csc_meter | |
Csc_meter_node | |
Csc_node_group | Groups nodes/DSPs together into one |
Csc_riffChunk | |
Csc_sound | |
Csc_system | Object that manages the node graph, sounds, output etc |
Csc_system_config | Configuration for initializing the sc_system |
Cselection | |
Csplash_widget | |
Cstbi_io_callbacks | |