Sound Bakery  v0.1.0
Open-source audio middleware for games
No Matches
sbk::engine::float_parameter Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for sbk::engine::float_parameter:
Collaboration diagram for sbk::engine::float_parameter:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from sbk::engine::parameter< float >
using parameter_property = sbk::core::property< float >
 Defines the underlying property type used to store and broadcast values.
using local_parameter = std::pair< sbk_id, parameter_property >
 Defines the type used for passing local versions/variations of this parameter.
using local_parameter_value_pair = std::pair< sbk_id, float >
 Defines an ID to a parameter and a value for that parameter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sbk::engine::parameter< float >
 parameter (float min, float max)
 Creates a parameter with min and max values set.
float get () const
 Get the current value of the parameter.
float get_default () const
void set (float value)
 Set the value of the parameter.
void set_default (float value)
parameter_property::property_changed_delegate & get_delegate ()
 Get the parameter delegate that fires when changing the value.
local_parameter create_local_parameter_from_this () const
 Copies this parameter to a runtime version, suitable for handling unique variations per game object etc.
- Public Member Functions inherited from sbk::core::database_object
auto get_database_id () const -> sbk_id
auto get_database_name () const -> std::string_view
auto get_editor_hidden () const -> bool
auto set_database_id (sbk_id id) -> void
auto set_database_name (std::string_view name) -> void
auto set_editor_hidden (bool hidden) -> void
 operator sbk_id () const
auto get_on_update_id () -> MulticastDelegate< sbk_id, sbk_id > &
auto get_on_update_name () -> MulticastDelegate< std::string_view, std::string_view > &
- Public Member Functions inherited from sbk::core::object
template<typename T >
auto casted_shared_from_this () -> std::shared_ptr< T >
template<typename T >
auto try_convert_object () noexcept -> T *
 Gets the most derived type of this object and upcasts it to T.
template<typename T >
auto try_convert_object () const noexcept -> const T *
 Const version of try_convert_object.
auto destroy () -> void
auto get_object_type () const -> rttr::type
auto get_owner () const -> object_owner *
auto get_owner_object () const -> object *
auto get_on_destroy () -> MulticastDelegate< object * > &
auto get_flags () const -> object_flags
auto set_flags (object_flags flagsToSet) -> void
auto clear_flags (object_flags flagsToClear) -> void
auto has_flag (object_flags flagsToCheck) -> bool
template<class archive_class >
void serialize (archive_class &archive, const unsigned int fileVersion)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sbk::core::object_owner
auto create_runtime_object (const rttr::type &type) -> std::shared_ptr< object >
auto create_database_object (const rttr::type &type, bool addToDatabase=true) -> std::shared_ptr< database_object >
template<typename T >
auto create_runtime_object () -> std::shared_ptr< T >
template<typename T >
auto create_database_object (bool addToDatabase=true) -> std::shared_ptr< T >
auto add_reference_to_object (std::shared_ptr< database_object > &object) -> void
auto remove_object (const std::shared_ptr< object > &object) -> std::vector< std::shared_ptr< sbk::core::object > >::iterator
auto destroy_all () -> void
auto get_objects () -> std::vector< std::shared_ptr< object > > &
auto get_objects () const -> const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< object > > &
auto get_objects_size () const -> std::size_t

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